Specializing in supporting front-line medical providers in maintaining sustainable careers

I began my nearly two decade career in clinical emergency medicine without the tools to combat the burnout that would threaten again and again. Though I didn't believe it at the time, my saving grace was when I reached the ultimate "rock bottom". So deep in a trauma response that I could not work, suffered agoraphobia and night terrors, my situation became desperate enough that I took the first steps in trauma recovery.
And spent the next 10 years perfecting the systems that helped me thrive.

You chose this path for a reason.
Clear the weeds so you can fall in love with your purpose, all over again.

regulating the nervous system, releasing old patterns, finding joy

You chose your career, you followed your "calling", why the #!@*&% is it so hard? Take the resilience and discipline you've mastered at work and apply it to building sustainable systems in your own life.

Are you lost in the weeds?

befriend your nervous system

Another overtime shift, another day off spent in bed. You know you deserve more. Give yourself the tools to befriend your nervous system, create balance and take your play as seriously as you take your work.

Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, stuck?

combat burnout

My personal experiences introduced me to trauma, but that is not where our relationship ended. As I supported, motivated and mentored paramedics I realized a mind who has experienced trauma works differently. My work being trauma informed means I understand the physiological process that keeps you stuck. I will teach you the systems that clear your mind and your path.

Most valuable: I'll help you make peace with your own nervous system.

Work and in Life

I'm Here to Help You Reclaim Joy in

resilient, grounded, thriving

I'm here to help you claim your own space, release tension and stress and show up confidently for your own life.

Learn to Ground Yourself

We've all experienced the pain in being essential. When everyone else stops, we keep going. When everyone else stays home, we show up. The worst part: we begin to expect the impossible from ourselves. Over time, our bodies forget what a regulated nervous system feels like.

Review your bespoke program and set agreements.

set expectations 

Begin your profoundly transformational season of supported growth.

one on one guidance

Schedule a time for a phone call to discuss which offering suits your needs best.

complimentary Consultation


how it 

I remember the day I learned about a new meaning of "trauma”
something different from the tourniquets and sirens that filled my world as a paramedic.

A word that gave meaning to the harsh experiences that continued to haunt me. A word that gave understanding to the patterns those experiences had left in my life.

There were aspects of my childhood that were fiercely unsafe. Like many others, I fell into, and oftentimes chased, the unsafe. Craving the familiar. Consider also my indigenous-hispanic ethnicity, and an incarcerated parent and it's clear my safety net was paper thin at best.

I can now see the patterns of my past that made me perfectly prepared for my role as a first responder, giving me a chance to step into chaos and create order.

These experiences allow me to specialize in supporting workplace harassment, burnout, sexual trauma, domestic violence, emotional abuse, childhood abuse.

I know you are more than the role you play and the service you provide.

acknowledging your past, present and future

For employers: combat burnout, build moral and decrease call-outs by offering your employees instruction on how to maintain a successful career. 

career sustainability

Drop into community to build your grounding toolbox with a foundation in applied polyvagal theory to introduce your system to grounded support.

Group grounding

Accept the ultimate level of support in discovering the nuances of how your body processes stress, befriending your nervous system and building an impactful and sustainable ground practice - unique to you!

1 on 1 grounding + guidance

& what I offer


A mentor once described burnout to me as when the heart wants to quit the job but the body keeps showing up. Physiologically we see burnout as profound nervous system dysregulation experienced primarily by the dorsal vagal nerve root. Whether triggered by an understaffed shift or threatened by a mountain lion, we can assume humans have always strived for self regulation.

House on fire:
the true cost of burnout


-Ryan Hussey, Paramedic

"Lauren places an emphasis on self-care above all else and has concrete methods for working through trauma in the field and in life; these lessons and awareness of trauma and how it can affect first responders has shaped the way I care for myself to ensure a long, healthy, and balanced career in EMS."

-Rachel Oliver, Paramedic

"Lauren is an incredibly warm hearted and professional individual. She is single handedly one of the mentors ... who was prepared and willing to meet me around every corner and celebrate even the smallest milestones. "

Success Stories

Contact Lauren

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For transitioning between work and home, in between tough calls and alarms or just to start your day clear. My gift to you.

5 minutes to a better headspace - your Grounding Protocol